All Hail Vitamin A

All Hail Vitamin A

Did you know that almost 90% of your vitamin A levels can be depleted in just one day of sun exposure? As vitamin A is renowned for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, diminishing imperfections and improving the overall look and feel of your skin, it’s no coincidence that this essential vitamin is the primary ingredient found in many of the top skin care products.

So how does it work?

Let’s take a look at some of the amazing benefits of vitamin A, why it’s so important to replenish on a daily basis and how we can include it in our daily routine. 

Acts as natural sunscreen

The majority of vitamin A we consume comes in the form of foods containing beta-carotene and provitamin A carotenoids, both of which are powerful antioxidants. Through acting as a natural protector against sun damage and pigmentation, consuming foods containing vitamin A can provide natural UV protection and subsequently assist with slowing the signs of ageing. 

Promotes a smoother appearance & texture

When applied topically, Vitamin A in the form of retinol, retinal and retinoic acid are scientifically proven to smooth the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Daily exposure to UV progressively damages collagen in our skin, bringing about unwanted signs of ageing. By applying vitamin A, however, we are able to stimulate collagen and elastin production to strengthen the skins’ surface and fill in unwelcome lines and wrinkles.

Encourages firmer looking skin

Through boosting cell reproduction, application of vitamin A to the skin helps to remove damaged surface cells and encourages the production of healthy new cells. By doing so, we are able to reduce imperfections and encourage stronger, firmer looking skin. More than this, retinoids may also block an enzyme required for pigment production which encourages even skin tone to further enhance your complexion.

Topical application

Whilst dietary supplements are beneficial in terms of replenishing depleted vitamin A, they aren’t actually as effective as applying topically to the skins surface. However, retinol found in topical treatments is a concentrated form of Vitamin A so it’s important that your skin first becomes accustomed to lower levels before jumping into the stronger solutions. 

Integrating Vitamin A

As there are so many amazing uses and applications for vitamin A, integrating it into your daily routine is easy, affordable and effective with the right tools for the task.


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