Skin care

What are free radicals and what do they have to do with my skin?

What are free radicals and what do they have to do with my skin?

Free radicals are BIG in the skin care world, but do you really know about the "why" behind our ongoing fight against them?  Free radicals are natural by-products of ongoing biochemical reactions in the body. These molecules travel around the body looking for electrons to stabilise themselves, and can take electrons from healthy cells in a process called oxidation. This otherwise normal bodily function is often amplified in our modern lives with external factors such as poor diet and alcohol, medicines, polluted air, sunlight, emotional stress, smoking and infections, just to name a few!  In the skin cells, free radicals can...

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The Vitamin Lingo

The Vitamin Lingo

  We love vitamins, and so should you! Vitamins are the true powerhouses of effective skincare products. With properties that range from directly targeting free radical damage and boosting cellular reproduction, to reducing inflammation and wrinkles, we thought they deserved a good wrap. Vitamin A Vitamin A is like the wonder woman of skincare. Capable of reprogramming cellular function, Vitamin A not only helps us age more gracefully but helps the fight against breakouts, symptoms of rosacea, treats acne scarring, decreases sebum production, helps to fight pre-cancerous lesion, improves skin hydration and exfoliates the skin leaving an even-toned complexion. Wow! Vitamin B3This...

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5 Tips for Glowing Skin

5 Tips for Glowing Skin

Flawless, blemish free and glowing skin is what we all dream of, but sometimes find hard to keep around. Our overall health has a big impact on our skin, so being mindful of your lifestyle will in turn reward you with healthy glowing skin. Here are our top five tips for glowing skin.   You are what you eat  Try to eat a balanced diet, avoiding too many processed foods. Remember, fresh is best and fresh is what holds the most moisture! Stay Hydrated Drink plenty of water - especially in hot weather. Aim for at least 2L a day, plus...

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New peptide eye cream-gel

New peptide eye cream-gel

Peptides for smoother younger looking faces!! Call in and try our new eye cream-gel which contains the latest anti-ageing ingredient available, heptapeptide-8.     When to use ? It is the most soothing and plumping product which can be applied at night before bed over the hyaluronic & vitamin C serum (or the high potency niacinamide serum ) to lock the moisture in.   How does this peptide work in our skin? Heptapeptide-8 is known to mimic laminin -5, an essential component of the epidermal-dermal layer of the skin. As we age, this layer flattens which means that the skin ‘metabolism’...

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