Skin care

Jemma Gawned's Plumped Skin Care Routine

Jemma Gawned's Plumped Skin Care Routine

I have been using Plumped Skin Care for over a year now and my skin loves it! Today I am sharing my morning and evening Plumped routine with you.    My Morning Routine  Every 2-3 days I use the Glycolic Acid Exfoliant Wash Everyday after cleansing my skin, I apply the Hyaluronic & Vitamin C Serum and every second day I add to that my Tripeptide Serum. I live in Australia where the climiate is warm and humid most of the year which naturally keeps my skin more hydrated but when I am in the Andes mountains of Peru where...

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Why Are Active Ingredients So Important?

Why Are Active Ingredients So Important?

Since our beginning, Plumped has always been about one thing...real results. With super-potent and super hydrating active ingredients, our skincare range delivers beneficial and visible results to all of our clients, no matter what gender, skin type, age or walk of life!     Vitamin A Vitamin A is like the wonder woman of skincare. Capable of reprogramming cellular function, Vitamin A not only helps us age more gracefully but helps the fight against breakouts, symptoms of rosacea, treats acne scarring, decreases sebum production, helps to fight pre-cancerous lesion, improves skin hydration and exfoliates the skin leaving an even-toned complexion. Wow!...

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Q & A with Creator of Plumped Michelle Loschiavo

Q & A with Creator of Plumped Michelle Loschiavo

As a skincare addict myself, I know how important it is to have confidence in the products you’re putting on your face. Being a busy working mum of three gorgeous kids, having a straightforward skincare regime, seeing and feeling results was the foundation of how the Plumped range all began. I’ve always been interested in health, wellness and beauty, both in work and in life... I have a Pharmacy degree from University of Queensland, an Advanced Certificate in Cosmetic Science and I’m a member of the Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists... I do my best to keep up to date...

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All Hail Vitamin A

All Hail Vitamin A

Did you know that almost 90% of your vitamin A levels can be depleted in just one day of sun exposure? As vitamin A is renowned for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, diminishing imperfections and improving the overall look and feel of your skin, it’s no coincidence that this essential vitamin is the primary ingredient found in many of the top skin care products. So how does it work? Let’s take a look at some of the amazing benefits of vitamin A, why it’s so important to replenish on a daily basis and how we can include it in our...

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