Skin care — blood test
Why am I so tired? Have you had your thyroid hormones checked ?
Feeling tired? Lethargic, feeling the cold when it’s not really cold, putting on weight or generally not firing on all cylinders? It’s a good time to visit your Doctor for a blood test and general check up. But the bloods come back as normal, including the thyroid specific markers and still feeling dismal? This could be the case for a few different reasons (once other causes have been ruled out)… often standard thyroid level blood tests aren’t enough to determine whether your thyroid gland is underperforming.
Peri-menopause series: why have I lost interest in my partner?
As we hit our mid to late thirties hormones levels tend to decline, oestrogen and progesterone , progesterone (our calming, relaxing hormone) to a greater extent at a faster rate. This gap can cause us to experience symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, fluid retention, fatigue, poor sleep, weight gain, hot flushes and more.. or less. Our DHEA levels also decrease along with other hormones creating an overall imbalance. When one or more hormones are out of balance it can have a knock on affect on another hormone. That is why it is important that your Doctor checks levels and clinical...
Peri-menopause series : Why can’t I sleep ?
Progesterone and Oestrogen decline (as well as testosterone, DHEA), progesterone at a greater and more rapid rate than our other female sex hormone oestrogen. This creates a wider gap and a resultant imbalance . Progesterone is helpful for sleep and relaxation (it’s an anti-diuretic also) so when we don’t have enough progesterone this can affect the quality and or quantity of our sleep. We can bring the hormones up and back into balance with supplementation replace what is missing. Bioidentical hormones are an option which have the advantage of looking and functioning like the hormones in our bodies.
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